The Future is Bright

The Futer is Bright
Christi and Aedan discussing future plans

Despite our differences,
Experience and expectations are the foundation of our friendship.
You yearn to be wild and free
I am content to be me.

Following alternate branches,
We’ve taken different turns and found new friends but when it comes down to it
The things that excite and drive you
secretly appeal to me too.


It seems like ages ago since Christi and I first toyed with the idea of working together as a team and calling ourselves VReam Art. Honestly, neither of us really knew where the effort would go but it sounded like fun and a great way to grow our skills together.

And so it was for over a year. Somewhere along the way things slipped away. The whole writing while creating images to illustrate the story experience left me doubting myself and wanting to start over. While I struggled for direction, Christi opted to not wait around and got involved in her own things.  I can’t blame her.

When Noel came back into my life a year ago and brought her infectious desire to create videos, I too went into a different direction.  It was when Christi  and I were discussing her own videos that I suggested the three of us collaborate more. Christi and Noel had already done some ‘mermaid’ images together in addition to borrowing her body in Noel’s “Elephant In The Room” image.

All three of us have several projects going on at the same time but Christi was excited about doing more with me.  Since my Flickr page had become more of a personal page we opted to jointly contribute to a Deviant Art page that I had created at about the same time but never did much with it.  That the page was there and Flickr’s recent changes made Deviant Art the seemingly obvious choice.

Stop by and say ‘hi’!

VReam Art at Deviant Art


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