
Winter image for contest submission

“Spring passes and one remembers one’s innocence.
Summer passes and one remembers one’s exuberance.
Autumn passes and one remembers one’s reverence.
Winter passes and one remembers one’s perseverance.”

― Yoko Ono

Once again winter is upon the north hemisphere. Despite an unusually warm end of the year holiday season, 2022 has come in with a vengeance for many. Just as some begin to recognize that global warming is not a myth, the quick turn around in January filled the need for some to say it was just a fluke and it’s just as cold as ever. Memories are short. Perseverance often serves only when it’s convenient, or when it’s necessary. I won’t even mention the perseverance of political lies… This image was in Le Monde Perdu of Second Life. The group of sims that are Luane’s world are always beautiful and inspiring. This winter phase of Le Monde Perdu did not disappoint. The aurora borealis and falling snow were added in photoshop and the light was twisted just a bit to keep some detail on the mountain but the sim is a joy without these touches.

Welcome 2022

Happy New Year 2022

Each passing year amazes me. The accomplishments, the failures and the surprises. Even more shocking is how quickly they pass. It seems that only months ago we were saying Happy New Year to 2021 and now here we are once again.

Honestly, I did not accomplish all I had hoped to last year. The low number of posts here bares witness to that fact.  Sure, there were everyday obligations not related to my creative aspirations that interfered but I would be fooling myself to believe that my biggest obstacle wasn’t my own tendency to get excited about so many new things. I am not so naive to try convince myself or anyone else for that matter, that my wide array of interests will disappear for 2022.  I will say that I believe I have at least identified my interests and the tools needed to further explore them..barring any more surprises.

This last year did see a blossoming collaboration between Noel and myself. Please consider visiting her site “Returning to Oneself“. Though she will deny it, I believe she is more focused than I am even as she grasps all of the possibilities that are available to us. I truly believe that this partnership will bring renewed focus on my part.  Making commitments does have a way of bringing focus. Additionally, working so close with someone as talented, observant and enthusiastic as she is a great motivator.

I am more excited about the coming year than I have been for several years now and look forward to sharing that.


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