
Taya, Belinda and Pattie Collage
Taya, Belinda and Pattie - Pattie as she logged in after a 7 year absence in SL.

Friends – we often take them for granted or forget what they contribute to any particular moment. I am guilty of that.  For some time now I have enjoyed the solitude of borrowing images from SL and then bringing them home to caress the lines and shadows for hours…even days…until I feel they’re acceptable to show to anybody else.

Last week I set out to find a new place to take more pictures and just as I was about to logoff, an acquaintance from the SL forum, Belinda noticed me in the vicinity and said ‘hi’. It was a pleasant surprise which lead to a gathering that would likely include others from the forum that I had spoken to through the forum but never met. Taya was another that I knew in the same manner.  Both have beautiful avatars so my camera addiction took hold during the next hour.

The last week has been spent editing those two images – in solitude, of course 🙂

Taya on point
Taya on point
Belinda dances while the house burns down
Disco Belinda - Burning Down The House

Last night I had been logged into SL @ 30 minutes when the notifier mentioned that Pattie had just logged off. I had to take a second look and then pull up the profile to make sure I wasn’t confused. Pattie hadn’t been on in years. We actually go back a long way – to 2007, I believe. We went in different directions after a few months and some time after that her RL and SL partner passed away so we had a few last words before she just disappeared. Of course I sent a message to her hoping she would get it offline. I don’t know if she got it offline or not but she logged back in just as I was about to log out again….of course!

We met and she was well preserved…just as she had logged out so, so many years ago. Same classic avatar, same prim clothes and flat nose. After so many years, that same connection seemed to still be alive as we spent the next hour trying to re-familiarize her with Firestorm and some basic settings like not typing in the air while chatting. I am hoping she will stay around for a while so I can happily help her update her avatar.

Oh…the history….she and Christiana were models …or more correctly, mannequins together back in the day – along with her husband. Lots of fun was had by all. They are good memories. Hopefully there will be more.If Pattie stays around and takes up modeling again, I’m sure you’ll see more of her so here is one last image to embarrass her 😉

Pattie returns after a 7 year hibernation.
Pattie returns after a 7 year hibernation.

Within SecondLife, there is so much to get lost in.  It’s easy to forget one aspect or another. Socializing is but one of those but certainly not the least important.


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