Still Here!

Cracked Display

In first world terms, life has been a bit hectic lately and kept me from updating my ongoing story for several weeks….but I am still here

Changes at work mean I am now working from home full time – except when I need to travel to go onsite to address issues that can’t be handled remotely.  That meant a redo of my office which mandated removal of everything in there. I’m happy to say it looks so much better and that makes me happy since I’ll now spend an additional 8+ hours a day in this room.

Unfortunately, during the process of moving out and back in, I damaged my 3 month old 4K monitor.  When I picked it up I noticed a smudge on the screen and when I tried to wipe it off, I realized there was a ‘bump’ sticking out.  I didn’t actually know it was cracked until I powered it up. Broke and Dell doesn’t offer to repair cracked screens though they were happy to sell me a new one for $130.00 more than what I paid for this one from Amazon.  It is physical damage not covered by the warranty.

Initially I couldn’t even think of how I might have damaged it. The bump pressing out suggested  that something inside went wrong and had a mini-explosion.  The Dell rep pretended to not even hear my suggestion.  After accepting that they weren’t going to fix it, I later recalled that with everything sitting on a rug on the floor, I moved he rug once and the monitor – which was sitting on it’s stand on the rug, fell forward and landed on the PC case.  At most, the spot on the screen where the crack is located – which is in the lower half – must have moved 6 inches.  Mind you this was not a drop but merely tipping over on it’s stand. If this display is THAT fragile I really had to think about whether I wanted to throw any more money at it.

With that thought in mind, I hauled it to the street for pickup and reconfigured my workspace to use my trusty Viewsonic monitors. A little bit of testing and I’m not sure why I bought the 4K monitor. I marked this off as the universe encouraging me to take one more step at simplifying.    Then I mentioned my problems to a co-worker who suggested I could purchase the screen and replace it myself.  Of Course!

I located a replacement screen. $140 + $96 shipping is still less than half of what Dell wanted for a new one.  Since realizing I didn’t need that screen and appreciating the extra space on the desk, I have held off from ordering the part yet but am sure I will at some point.

In the interim,  I’ll get back to my work…or play.   The next image is ready to share and the story that goes with it is 98% complete.  I have yet to settle on the music to go with it so that may be the most difficult part…but I will manage 🙂

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